In Chronic Pain and a Swamped Schedule?


Does having a swamped schedule explain my chronic pain?

Over the past 15 years, there has been an abundance of research surrounding exercise in relation to the corporate world, especially relating to mental health, obesity, chronic pain and productivity. According to the Canadian Institute for Health, Canada spent $264  billion on healthcare in 2019, or $ 7,068 per person.

Something doesn’t add up, what is the missing link? All of this research is occurring, and yet healthcare spending keeps increasing?

We have all the statistics and information showing us that sitting behind our desks for extended periods of time, often for up to 10 or 12 hours, hunched over, fingers flying across the keyboard, is going to end up killing us.

It has been tossed around for years, SITTING IS THE NEW SMOKING.

Yes there are those of us out there that do act on it, and complete regular workspace fitness or activity challenges, or sign up for the new workplace initiative, but there is still the vast majority that are not.

From the few top executives I have worked with before, two very common excuses I have heard time and time again - chronic back pain or schedule is swamped.

On the contrary to what many believe, these two obstacles are very easy to overcome. It is ultimately the same as any decision you have to make, how much do you want it?

  • How much do you want to live past 80 years old?

  • How much time do you want to spend being active with your children? To be pain free?

  • How important or how much time are you willing to set aside to improve productivity, quality of life, work life balance and become even more successful?

The human body is a wonderful mechanism, where it has the ability to heal itself.

From the day we are born, it heals us, tries to keep us alive for as long as possible. So with chronic pain, it can be improved, we aren’t designed to be in constant pain and unhappiness.

With the correct philosophy, training technique, coaching, chronic pain can be improved. What impact does that have on your performance in the office?

If you were pain free, how much of an improvement could you see? How much happier would you be? At some point you have to be selfish and prioritise yourself to achieve greater success.

Everyone reaches a point where they burnout, for a few it is in the first couple of years, others is 10-15 years into the industry and for the final few, they call it early retirement.

How good are you at reading the markers to burn out? What could you do if you woke up every single day of your career ready to go at 100%?

Where would you be in 10 years time?

How would you like early retirement, not because you were burnt out, but because you have achieved your goals early, and set yourself up for a new life?

In the business world, it is all about your mind. The sharper the mind the more successful your career. In the sporting world, the sharper, faster, more powerful the body the more successful the athlete.

One aspect should not be prioritised over the other, the human body doesn’t work like this to be successful, they go hand in hand. In the athletic world, they have systems in place to develop athletes’ physical and mental attributes to maximise their performances, when it matters most. In the business world, how many of us are truly utilizing the resources available to us?

Setting aside 1 hour a day to exercise = 4% of your your day

Setting aside 1 hour a day to exercise = 4% of your your day

Many of us want the mind to be clear and focused, ready to be called upon when we need, but unless the body is taken care of as a whole, the body or mind will come crashing down and drag everything down with it.

Dedicating 3 hours per week, 1.78% of your time per week, can have a massive impact on getting rid of chronic pain, improving happiness, quality of life, greater energy levels throughout the day, prevent early burnout and help to take your business performance to the next level.

The beauty of online training and working with Lawless Health, you have complete control over when and how you want to train. By providing you with autonomy and guidance you can achieve your goals, address your needs under your own control and take your life to the next level.

What will it take for the whole of the corporate world to fully utilise the help offered by others, to maximise their performance in life and work?