Bigger Arms Guideline
It is commonly known that the one universally accepted exercise for every male to do is the bicep curls.
For some reason, in our testosterone fuelled mind, we need to have bigger arms. Whether it is to fill out a t-shirt, impress a girl or feel the ‘pump’ as if our arms are about to explode, we all have completed bicep curls or variations of it.
Some guys have had a lot of success and have 25 inch arms, while some are stuck with cocktail sticks.
Below are the 5 most important areas a lot of us are neglecting in the search for bigger arms.
#1. Not eating enough
To build muscle or add size, the body needs a certain amount of protein to help repair and build muscle tissue but also carbohydrates to be used as an energy source.
If you a 6’ and 150lbs, increasing amount of protein and carbohydrates, combined with the right training program, you will see reasonably fast results (assuming you have a relatively young training age).
#2. Everyday is arms day
As good as the pump feels, training arms everyday can have a negative effect. How can someone expect improvements in a muscle that is constantly being fatigued and burnout every day.
It takes between 36-48 hours for a muscle to completely recover and the muscle actually becomes stronger e.g. able to produce more force/lift more weight.
#3. Not training your lower body
The strongest, biggest and greatest force producing muscles are located in your lower body. These muscles also produce the greatest testosterone and human growth hormone, which in turn will have a positive effect on the rest of the body and arms.
Research produced by Norweigen scientists, suggests that completing leg exercises prior to arm exercises induce superior strength training adaptations compared to training without.
#4. Focus on the posterior chain with a well balanced program.
It’s all about balance - it can be argued that training your posterior chain, more specifically back, to be as important as training your legs.
Due to our very sedentary and habitual lifestyle patterns and the amount of screen time or sat at desks and/or watching TV, poor posture and rounded shoulder is becoming a gravely concerning issue.
Addressing these issues through strengthening your core and muscles through your back, will not only leave you standing tall and proud but also filling out the sleeves in your shirt, with the increased positive feelings due the hormonal releases from the lats for example.
#5. Neglecting the triceps
It’s frustrating and embarrassing when you walk into the gym and you see everyone checking themselves out in the mirror bicep curling with 45lbs (with poor technique I may add).
The triceps are a larger muscle group, meaning they have a greater potential to grow, increase testosterone and human growth hormone leading to your arms looking bigger and helping your biceps actually grow.
The key to having bigger arms, as mentioned earlier, is having a well balanced program, which if your ultimate goal is sculpting your arms, will contain arm specific work. Try the arm workout or upper body circuit below, I would integrate this into your current training program/session, usually after you have finished the heavier, compound lifts. Either workout will get you leaving the your session like you worked hard and a nice pump on.